I would highly recommend anyone who is pregnant or wanting children to consider Cellaviva.

I already knew before becoming pregnant that I would use stem cell collection. My mother has worked in the maternity department at OUH for many years, and it was through her work that I became aware of this possibility. So the day I held a positive pregnancy test, I knew I needed to secure a partnership with Cellaviva.

I contacted a midwife from Cellaviva and learned about the options for stem cell collection, choosing both tissue stem cells and blood stem cells to be as fully covered as possible. I was sent a package that needed to be brought to the delivery room, and I contacted the midwife when I went into active labor. Cellaviva was on the sidelines throughout the birth, and when it was time for my little Lukas to come into the world, midwife Camilla was in the delivery room, ensuring the collection of both stem cells and blood. There was a fine collaboration between her and the others working at OUH. Everything went smoothly, and Camilla secured everything in the best way.

Stem cell collection is the most precious and important insurance one can give their children. Like all other insurances, you naturally hope you’ll never need it. But if you find yourself in a situation where you need it, it’s one of the best investments you can make to secure your children’s future. There is, of course, a cost associated with this, but you’re buying a life insurance policy for your children, and when you spread the cost over the years you secure, it’s no more expensive than a regular accident insurance.

Cellaviva does tremendous work, and there is still a lot of research being done in the field, which means that the range of diseases that tissue stem cells and blood stem cells can be used for is growing larger and larger.

I would highly recommend anyone who is pregnant or wants children to consider Cellaviva and stem cell collection, to give their children the best insurance throughout their lives.

Best regards, Trine – newly mother to Lukas.