Where the road gently curves, there lies a property so beautiful, with its wings by the forest and fields and a lush erantis flower in the garden that matches the color of the large main house from 1909.
A property that has surely been the setting for many good stories throughout the ages. However, I am convinced that the most beautiful and wonderful event of all on the property occurred about a month ago. Right there in the kitchen-dining area, in a warm water basin, Olivia was born – helped up to her first breath by her father and the home birth midwife.
The first time I had contact with Michelle and Mathias was through a service call from Cellaviva during a weekend shift to hear how things were going in general and to align their wishes regarding the birth and stem cell collection.
Unknowingly, I was about to be so lucky to attend a beautiful water birth with the couple almost 2 days later. After all, there was still some time left until the actual due date. But as it happens, births tend to not be dictated by dates and time. And on Sunday night, Michelle’s water broke suddenly, and everyone knew that the birth was underway.
By noon, some 8-9 hours later, I had to return.
The contractions had started immediately after the water broke, and they were good, efficient contractions. The birth progressed exceptionally quickly, even though it was Michelle’s first time giving birth. The home birth midwife who had arrived in the morning had assessed that Olivia would soon make her arrival, and everyone was really just waiting for me. The sun was shining that day, just like today, but I was mostly focused on getting there as quickly as traffic rules allowed!
When my car turned onto the courtyard, Michelle was given permission to give in to the urge to push.
Indoors, there was a very special and beautiful birthing atmosphere. Controlled, calm, and super cool, primitive forces were allowed to do their job. I quickly got the collection equipment ready from the Cellaviva box and assisted the home birth midwife – a dear, well-known colleague. It only took a few pushing contractions before a beautiful little dark-haired girl was lying on her mother’s chest for the first time. With my extra hands, at the request, I had the pleasure of filming and taking photos of Olivia’s first few moments on her birthday. It was a very beautiful water birth.
With birth comes the birth of the placenta as well.
Being two experienced midwives at this home birth proved to have several advantages, as the placenta was firmly attached and taking its time. I had plenty of time to collect a stem cell deposit and, with skilled midwifery techniques, tricks and interventions, the placenta was born “on land” and a transfer to the hospital’s delivery ward was averted. Everyone was relieved that this special experience could continue at home, and the new little family could remain snuggled up in their bedroom.

The decision to harvest and store stem cells comes from an acquaintance with a family with a very sick child, who could potentially have benefited greatly from treatment with their own stem cells.
When Michelle learned about this, she had no doubt that she and Mathias would choose stem cell storage for Olivia. “We see it as an insurance that we certainly hope we don’t need. And overall (with stem cell storage for 20 years), it’s an affordable expense compared to what else you spend money on,” the couple says.
The farm dog Rita is lying at my feet and “woofing” a little in her sleep, and the atmosphere is the same as about a month ago.
This home and this company exude coziness, calmness, and surplus.
Olivia has just been nursed and is now sleeping in her mother’s arms. We have talked about the birth and what it’s like to be a new little family. It’s been so lovely and my visit ended up being a little longer than planned. I hope that’s okay.
Thank you for your hospitality Michelle and Mathias, and for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful birth experience in your home. Enjoy your beautiful daughter, and don’t forget to enjoy each other. Cellaviva would be happy to be a part of it again in a few years. 😉
Midwifw Pia Kaufmann
In Denmark, all pregnant women have a legally guaranteed right to midwifery assistance at home. About 3% of all births in Denmark take place at home, and if you are considering home birth, you can contact the midwife at your place of birth. Cellaviva’s midwives collect stem cells wherever you choose to give birth.