Dr.dk writes about stem cell treatments

Cellaviva Danmark - March 22, 2021

Treatment options

Dr.dk writes about stem cell treatments

Danmarks Radio has published an article about Danish research in stem cells, which describes 4 promising projects where stem cells are used in medical treatment. The article states that Denmark is at the forefront of research with stem cells for the treatment of Type-1 diabetes, Parkinson’s, chronic intestinal diseases, and age-related blindness.

In the middle of a revolution

A professor at the University of Copenhagen says that the discovery of stem cells has had enormous meaning – the health service is in the middle of a revolution where in a few years we can treat diseases we did not have a chance of before.

In the article we also read of another professor and researcher in stem cells at the University of Copenhagen, stating that stem cell research has gained momentum, especially in the last 10 years. He believes stem cells will help make life better for people with Type 1 Diabetes in the future.

The article mentions various sources of stem cells: bone marrow, adipose tissue, amniotic fluid and embryos. However, there is another stem cell source: the umbilical cord and the placenta.

At Cellaviva, we provide collection and storage of stem cells from the umbilical cord and placenta which are rich sources of stem cells. The cells are immature and therefore easier to develop in the direction you want in treatment. They can be collected without pain or risk and they have not been exposed to environmental impacts as if they were harvested by a bone marrow donation.

The results one year after treatment are extremely promising

Cellaviva, through NextCell Pharma, have developed a drug candidate that has been tested on people with Type-1 diabetes and the results one year after treatment are extremely promising. The study is now being rolled out to include more subjects with Type-1 diabetes and if the good results prove to be consistent, NextCell Pharma’s director Mathias Svahn expects that the drug can be released for treatment within a few years.

Read the whole article here